Retirement Statement

A Time and Season

In the Biblical Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, the author writes in Chapter 3, verse 1, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the Heavens” (NIV). For Orange Park Furniture, that time began on April 1,1974 (April Fool’s Day), when Elmer and Faye James joined with long-time friends, Agnes and Dan Landrum to “start a little furniture business.” Now, 51 years later, Orange Park Furniture’s Season will come to an end in April, 2025.

It is with profound gratitude that we acknowledge so many who have supported us on this journey. First, we could not have launched and sustained our business without the dedication and work of the Landrums, and most especially Agnes, who has departed this life, but worked with us for over 40 years. For this, we are eternally grateful.

We are so very grateful for the support of the thousands of customers through the years, many who evolved into muti-generational supporters of our business. Thank you for allowing us into your homes and intrinsically becoming a part of your everyday lives through your furniture and bedding purchases. So many of you have become our dear friends, and our frequent interactions with you will be sorely missed.

We are extremely grateful to our many valued employees, both past and present, for the long hours, hard work and dedicated spirit you showed in serving our customers with the utmost honesty and integrity. Thank you, Team!!

Thank you to our many partners in business, the numerous manufacturers and their representatives, who continually provided us with great products and great service, which allowed us to offer beautiful furnishings and accessories throughout North East Florida.

Finally, we express our love and gratitude to the Andrews Family and their Associates, who have been our landlords, but more importantly, our friends for over 40 years.

So, why is Orange Park Furniture closing? The answer is found in the verse from Ecclesiastes 3:1. It is “TIME.”

With our gratitude,

Elmer James, Founder, and The Orange Park Furniture Family